Dorn Policy Group
The Dorn Policy Group has been lobbying federal, state, county, municipal and tribal government entities since 2000. At the core of Dorn Policy Group is a team with strong government relations. The firm’s principal lobbyists, Tom Dorn, Eric Emmert and Amanda Rusing, have 33 years combined of government relations and political consulting experience.
When monitoring the political dynamics associated with a client project, bill or ordinance, the Dorn Policy Group orchestrates strategic efforts ranging from grassroots advocacy campaigns to written testimony with specific messages tailored to secure the vote of a particular policymaker.
The Dorn Policy Group is skilled in bill and ordinance drafting, amendment preparation and the rules of various governmental bodies. Their personal relationships with Congressional members, state legislators, county supervisors, city council members, tribal council members and their staff provide access for their clients’ concerns to be conveyed in a timely and effective manner.
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